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Election Workers Have Busy Day Today

houghton-county-clerks-officeFor most of us, Election Day consists of a stop at our designated voting location and casting our ballot, then waiting for the results to come in.

For those working to bring us those results, today is crunch time.

Houghton County Clerk Jennifer Lorenz is spending the day helping local precincts and getting ready for tonight.

Lorenz said, “My day will consist of helping anybody come in, trying to find out where they have to vote, assisting my clerks in all the townships and cities with any problems, if any machinery happens to break, and after that I’ll have a board meeting and then be ready for results to start coming in.”

When the polls close, Lorenz says the pace speeds up.

Lorenz said, “We have clerks calling in. If my system is free and they’re able to send results, I tell them to send. If we have a precinct sending their results, I have them wait and then we call them back and we have an order that we go by.”

An upcoming revamp of the computer system is expected to make future elections run even more efficiently.

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