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DEQ Steps In To Prevent Further Erosion At West Houghton Subdivision Project

Some Houghton residents are raising questions about the status of a subdivision development project on the city’s west side.

The area sustained considerable erosion damage two weeks ago when heavy rains hit the area.

Houghton City Manager Eric Waara said that the Department of Environmental Quality is working with the property owner, Moyle Construction, to establish permanent soil erosion control measures.

Waara explained that the issue of the untreated site is being handled by the DEQ and the Houghton County Drain Commissioner.

Waara added that residents can express their concerns to the DEQ office in Marquette.

As far as the status of the subdivision, Waara said the project received conditional approval last fall by the Planning Commission.

The property owner was given one year to meet the conditions.

Those conditions have not all been met, Waara said, so the construction of the subdivision cannot move forward at this time.

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