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Dee Stadium To Host Laser Tag Through Winter

Laser tag is coming to The Dee.

Respawn Laser Tag logoRespawn Tactical Laser Tag had been operating out of the George Gipp Arena in Laurium, but is moving their operation into Houghton starting this winter.

Laser tag is a live video game-like experience where participants can play team-based missions.

The Houghton City Council agreed to lease the Dee Stadium ballroom to the company at the rate of $1,500 per month for six months.

Since the ballroom only generates a few hundred dollars over the winter, the rental was viewed as a win-win by the council.

No permanent modifications will be made to the ballroom itself.

The ballroom will still be available for use by other organizations for events.

Houghton City Manager Eric Waara says the company’s plan is to find a permanent location in the Houghton area.

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