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Conservative Conference Centers On Constitution

The Constitution will be the main star of a conference being organized by the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Conservative Political Action Committee.

The event is called “Our Constitution: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” and will feature guest speakers talking about our founding document and other conservative issues.

UPCPAC Director Mary Sears says there will be candidates from different political parties there to participate.

“We’re bringing them all together in one conservative voice because the Constitution spans all of these parties. It’s not just one party group,” Sears said.

The two-day event will be held at the Highland Golf Club in Escanaba on June 8th and 9th.

Sears says learning about the original intent of the writers of the Constitution is crucial to understanding its meaning.  “There is not a lack of knowledge about what it was they were trying to put. It’s just that we are not privy to that anymore. We’re not taught these things. We’re not taught that there is a dialogue behind why these things were.”

Tickets for the Upper Peninsula Conservative Political Action Conference of Michigan are available online.

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