The Copper Country Intermediate School District Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 21, 2017.
Prior to acting on official business, the Board heard two presentations:
- Shawn Oppliger, the Math/Science Director, introduced Chuck Palosaari, a teacher at Jeffers High School, and Darrell Hendrickson, a teacher at the Washington Middle School, who are lead teachers for the Lake Superior Stewardship Initiative Teams at their schools. Their projects have been recognized by the EPA as exemplary work engaging students in stewardship work in their communities. They are among 11 schools in Michigan who received this honor. The EPA gave these teachers a small grant to work with the LSSI leadership team to craft case studies to describe why their work is so successful. Chuck and Darrell made a brief presentation to the Board concerning the case studies and the work their teams have done with students.
- Lois Weber, CCISD Transition Coordinator, brought a student to the meeting to share their experience with the Train the Trainer Program. The purpose of this program was to first bring together juniors and seniors who have learning disabilities who would be willing to help mentor and work with 8th grade students who have learning disabilities. The young lady who addressed the Board described how her confidence grew throughout the program and stated that, before the program, she could not speak in front of groups, but now was able and willing to get up in front of people and give presentations. She also enjoyed helping the 8th grade students prepare for their futures.
- The Board completed their annual evaluation of Superintendent George Stockero. The Board gave Superintendent Stockero a “Highly Effective” rating and renewed his contract. The Board stated they were pleased with Stockero’s hard work and dedication to the CCISD.
In other action, the Board:
- Approved the following nominations for the annual Copper Country Association of School Boards (CCASB) awards to be presented on April 19th at the Magnusen Franklin Square Inn:
Outstanding Education Employee Award: Kate Larsen, MiCI Program Teacher
School Service Award: Kathy Flagstadt, Michigan Rehab Services Counselor
Student Leadership Award: Karmyn Polakowski, Houghton Health Careers Student
- Hired Jennifer Beaudette as Director for the summer 2017 one-week Camp Nesbit camping session for student with disabilities.
- Discussed the floor at the Career Tech Center and agreed to seek bids for repair.
- Renewed all administrative contracts.