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CCISD Staff Earn Recognition

Several members of the Copper Country Intermediate School District staff are receiving praise from the board.

Superintendent George Stockero says the Michigan State Police presented a certificate of excellence to the CCISD maintenance and bus crew for achieving a 100% Pass Rate for School Bus Safety.

Stockero said that Ed Semmens and his crew take great pride in what they do and the award is a reflection of their hard work and dedication.

CCISD Medical Coordinator Jenny Roose had a perfect billing cycle with no errors…the compliance company PCG said this was the first time they had experienced a “No Error” report from any ISD.

The Michigan School Business Officials Board of Directors sent a congratulatory letter to the CCISD, stating that Loret Roberts has met the requirements for certification as Pupil Accounting Auditor.

The CCISD board voted unanimously to send letters of recognition to all the staff members involved.

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