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CCISD Holds Women In Automotive Careers Day

The Copper Country Intermediate School District Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 21, 2017.

Superintendent George Stockero shared with the Board a short video describing a “School Finance Research Collaborative.”  The School Finance Research Collaborative is a diverse group of business leaders and education experts from Metro Detroit to the U.P. who agree it’s time to change the way Michigan schools are funded. This is a broad based, statewide, and bipartisan Collaborative committed to completing the research necessary to support school finance reform. A generous grant provided by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation supported the establishment of the School Finance Research Collaborative. The remaining funding needed to complete the additional research and associated communications is being sought from the foundation community.  The Board passed a resolution in support of the research and contribute 40 cents for every student within the Copper Country, which came to $2,701.60, based on 6,754 students.  Stockero told the Board he believed all ISDs in the state of Michigan plan to make the same donation.

Stockero informed the Board that today the CCISD hosted its 3rd annual Women in Automotive Career Day. Over 30 young ladies from 8 local high schools participated. It was a very fun and informative day.  With the help of the automotive instructors and student mentors, including 2 female auto tech students who are currently enrolled in the class, the girls received hands-on experience in tire and machine balancing, tire pressure and changing a flat, setting a hoist, using a torch and wheel alignment.  This was a wonderful opportunity for the young ladies to learn about the CCISD’s Auto Tech Program and the Automotive Industry.

Stockero also informed by Board that the CCISD had its first Advisory Committee meeting for next year’s Welding and Construction CTE classes.  17 business and community members showed up, with many more interested in participating, but just unable to make it to the meeting.  That is an outstanding level of participation to get started with.

The Board also acted on the following:

  • Accepted the 2016-17 Audit Report.
  • Adopted its annual summer property tax resolution for 2018.
  • Approved a revised school calendar for 2017-18.
  • Hired Lori White as a temporary, part-time Instructional/Bus Aide.
  • Hired Alec Hasan as a Helpdesk Technician for REMC 1.
  • Hired Gabriella Gilfoy as a Speech and Language Pathologist.
  • Approved a letter of understanding with the Copper Country Education Association concerning procedures for the sick bank.
  • Awarded a bid to Dollar Bay Linoleum and Tile, of Dollar Bay, Michigan, in the amount of $22,658 to replace carpeting in portions of the 809 Hecla Street
  • Approved an emended Early Childhood Development Interlocal Agreement.
  • Approved the first adoption of new and revised NEOLA policies.

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