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Baraga County Residents Can Turn In Used Oil Products

The L’Anse village council made quick work of a brief agenda last night.

Village president Ron Ervast called attention to two upcoming used oil events being hosted by the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community.

The events are open to all Baraga County residents, at no charge.

They will be held at the KBIC solid waste facility in the industrial park in Baraga, this Friday and June 26th, from 9:00 until 1:00 each day.

Individuals may bring in as much as 10 gallons.

The events are not open to businesses.

Ervast ran down the list of oil products that will be accepted.

Products that will not be accepted include halogenated oils and solvents, paint, paint thinner, coolant, cutting fluids, and water.

Find more details on our KeweenawReport.com Community Calendar.

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