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Automotive Day Kicks Off CareerFEST At Michigan Tech

Michigan Tech students know when they graduate, they likely have a good paying job waiting for them.

CareerFEST gives students a glimpse into what careers they can have in different industries.

Automotive Day 2016MTU Career Development and Corporate Event Promotions Coordinator Shelley Farrey said, “The whole objective of offering these Industry Days for students for CareerFEST is to give them an opportunity to meet company reps in an informal setting—walking across campus with just their backpack and shorts on in between classes—not that pressure of being at the Career Fair.”

Eleven companies took part in Automotive Day on campus…including eight companies returning from last year.

Since many of these companies have Tech grads already working for them, they know this is where to find the best talent.

2014 Alumnus Alex Thiel graduated with a Material Science and Engineering Degree and now works for Oshkosh. “Michigan Tech is definitely a top tier recruiting school in the eyes of Oshkosh Corporation, especially for engineering and we really put a lot of effort into recruiting here to really just harness the talent and the Midwest mentality,” said Thiel.

Automotive Day is just the first of several CareerFEST events being held at Michigan Tech.

The next one is Aerospace Day being held this coming Wednesday.

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