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Attitudes Toward Technology Study Continues

The Portage Lake District Library will host Michigan Technological University’s Safety, Technology and Attention Lab while they conduct a research study titled “Attitudes Toward Technology” on Wednesday, May 16, at 1:00 p.m. and again at 2:00 p.m.

The Safety, Technology and Attention Lab is looking for people who are 55 or older who are either new to computers, a mid-level computer user, or a pro to fill out paper questionnaires. Each participant will be paid $20 cash, and each session will take approximately 60 minutes. Participants can choose which session they want to attend, and they are asked to arrive five minutes early. Registration is not required.

For more information about this survey, please call or text Kay Tislar at 906-231-5150 or send an email to her at cltislar@mtu.edu.

Library programs are free, and everyone is welcome. For more information, please call the library at 482-4570.

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