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Agreement Reached Between Nurses & Duke LifePoint

MARQUETTE — During a marathon negotiating session that started on Thursday and ended early this morning, the UPHS – Marquette nurses and Duke LifePoint reached an agreement in principle on the terms of a new collective bargaining agreement.

“This is a win for our entire U.P. community, and we could not have come this far without strong community support. I want to thank all of our friends, family members, and neighbor who continue to support us,” said Scott Balko, Operating Room RN and President of the UPHS Marquette Staff Council/MNA, in a statement.

Details of the tentative agreement will not be disclosed until it is presented at ratification meetings, where it will be voted on by union members. These meetings will be scheduled as soon as possible.

The two parties have been in contract negotiations since April 18th, 2017. A two-month contract extension expired on July 28th of that year, and the UPHS – Marquette nurses have been working without a contract since.

Story originally posted an ABC-10 at https://abc10up.com/2018/05/25/nurses-duke-lifepoint-reach-tentative-agreement/


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