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2020 Census “Correct Count” Effort begins

The push is on to make sure every Copper Country resident gets counted in the upcoming census.

Houghton County Commissioner Glenn Anderson is leading the effort as the head of the Correct Count Committee. At Tuesday’s County Board meeting, Anderson explained it’s a matter of money…

Anderson said Houghton County traditionally loses money because the census comes out in the winter. Some snowbirds will fill in the address where they are at the time, even though they’re supposed to use the address where they spend the most time each year…

The story is similar for Michigan Tech and Finlandia students, who should use their Copper Country address – not their parents’ address – if they’re here for more than six months of the year.

The County Board contributed $2,000 to help the committee promote local sign-up.

Anderson also said the Census Bureau is stepping up its efforts to hire workers…

You can apply at the Census website, or in person Friday between 11:00 and 3:00 at the Portage Lake District Library.

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