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Lift Bridge Emergency Test Successful

Lift Bridge Raft Test 2014-09-06
From all accounts, Saturday’s test of the ability of the 1437th Company of the Army National Guard to ferry emergency vehicles across the Portage on rafts was successful. Guard soldiers brought sections of Improved Ribbon Bridge here from Sault Ste. Marie, bolted them into a raft, and then used Combat Support Boats to push them around. Houghton County Sheriff Brian McLean enjoyed his ride on a breezy morning… MCLEAN A. McLean thinks we’ll be in good hands if a real emergency occurs… MCLEAN B. The shuttle procedure is one measure that will be used if a long-term problem with the Lift Bridge were to develop. A full emergency bridge could also deployed. Officials hope to test that procedure sometime next year. Meanwhile, if you’d like to see video of two fire trucks and an ambulance floating across the Portage, click here.


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