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Keweenaw Heartlands Update Shares DNR Plans to Purchase at the Tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources will purchase 10,000 acres in the Keweenaw Heartlands from Nature County. Earlier this week the nature conservancy and the Michigan DNR provided a key update to the community regarding the progress in the forestland. TNC Keweenaw Heartlands Project manager Julia Petersen says that the groups continue to work closely with the community on plans that will lay the foundation for local management and governance into 2025 Michigan DNR U.P. Field Analyst Tori Irving says the department looks forward to meeting with the public and sharing information about the management plan for a portion of the heartlands that the DNR plans to purchase. The purchase will bring lands near Fort Wilkins State Historic Park under the DNR’s control and allow the state to expand outdoor recreation opportunities tied to the tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula. Those interested in learning more about progress in the Keweenaw heartlands between the Nature Conservancy and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources can find more information here.

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