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KCF Hockey Grant Deadline Near

KCFThe Keweenaw Community Foundation has $2,800 it would like to hand out to help youth hockey programs in the area. KCF spokesperson Laura Smyth says the money is being disbursed from the Copper Country Youth Hockey Endowment Fund, and can be used to support existing programs, or start something new. The money is available to organizations in Houghton or Keweenaw Counties. Time is of the essence. Grant applications are due tomorrow at the Keweenaw Community Foundation office in Hancock. They may be delivered in person, emailed to mail@k-c-f.org, or postmarked by tomorrow if sent by ground mail. Smyth also says they hope to continue to grow the endowment, so they can award larger grants in the future. Contact the Keweenaw Community Foundation at their Hancock office if you would like to contribute.

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