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Job Seekers Meet Face To Face With Employers At Keweenaw Job Fair

In today’s tough employment market…job seekers need all the help they can get.  That’s why Finlandia University teamed up with Michigan Works! and the Finlandia CEO club to host the 2nd Annual Keweenaw Job Fair.

With 38 potential employers looking to hire, Michigan Works! Megan Van Karsen says this is a great way to find the perfect job.

Van Karson said, “It gives them the opportunity to meet with the employers face to face before they’re even showing them their resume, their application.  They’re getting to show them their face and kind of present themselves—who they are, without being in an interview.”

L’Anse Manufacturing’s Allen Dentes says in many cases…the employers benefitted from the job fair as much as the job seekers because skilled workers can be hard to find.

Dentes said, “Currently, in the local area, there’s no training.  We’re working with the local high schools to bring in a skilled CTE class to work in the machining field and metalworking and be able to hire right out of high school, people for these very valuable positions.”

With so few jobs in the area, Finlandia University Marketing Student Luke Paul says the job fair provided a one stop look at everything that is available.

Finlandia University Marketing Student Luke Paul said, “Locally, around here, I’ve had the most success with the most open positions, but then there is some companies that won’t do internships, which is mainly what I’m looking for.  They are either looking for full-time employees or part-time, and it will be hard since I’m an athlete at Finlandia to work that around my schedule.”

The Keweenaw Job Fair may have provided a chance to meet potential employers, but actually landing the job is still up to the applicants.

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