Home / News / Joachim Resigns From Houghton City Council, Pickup Trucks To Be Purchased & Beware Of Snow Shovel Scam
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Joachim Resigns From Houghton City Council, Pickup Trucks To Be Purchased & Beware Of Snow Shovel Scam

There’s an open seat on the Houghton City Council.

Gernot JoachimA letter of resignation from former City Council member Gernot Joachim to the council was read at their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday.

Joachim called his decade of service to the city an honor and a privilege.

Now pursuing a career as a financial advisor, Joachim said he wanted to avoid any possible conflicts of interests that may arise.

Mayor Robert Backon thanked Joachim publicly for his service and said he has been an asset to the city council.

The city of Houghton is currently accepting applications to fill the vacant seat.

The council will appoint one of those candidates, who will then serve until November 8th of 2016.

The seat will be up for the general election at that time.

In other business, the council approved the purchase of two pre-owned pickup trucks.

The city will purchase a 2008 and a 2004 Chevy 2500 HD’s from local auto dealers for a total of just over $40,000.

Both trucks were driven and inspected by the City Master Mechanic and found to be mechanically sound.

The trucks will be put to work to help with snow plowing.

The city had budgeted the funds previously as part of the Capital Improvement Plan.

Don’t get scammed this winter season.

Houghton Police Chief John Donnelly reminded residents that a city ordinance requires that anyone performing work on your property, including snow removal, be licensed.

This is meant to protect the residents as well.

There have been recent reports of someone offering to move snow for payment up front, then leaving without finishing the job.

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