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HPS Foundation Grants Providing Opportunities At Hancock Public Schools

At Monday’s monthly meeting of the Hancock School Board of Education, the Board heard from Superintendent Monica Healy that the high school will be hosting Mr. B’s Joybox Express. Mark Braun, “Mr. B”, will visit on Wednesday, February 17.  He will spend an hour with the band students and another hour with senior English students to talk about passion, goals & following your dreams. He will then perform for the entire high school student body. Having Mr. B visit for the day was made possible through a grant from the HPS Foundation.

The Board then heard from Barkell Elementary Principal Dan Vaara that the Joel Tacey Character Show came to Barkell this month. Students learned about making good choices, being respectful and always doing their best.

The Barkell Academic Celebration will take place on March 8 beginning at 4:30 . It will feature a Science Fair, student artwork, writing and projects.

Healy also told the Board that she is continuing to work with the Superior Library Cooperative to address the question of the future of the the Hancock Public/School Library. The District would like to continue, and expand, services as a public library, but finances are a concern.

The 2015-16 budget approved in June shows revenue over expenditures. The finance committee looked at updates and revisions to that budget and realizes that it may be in deficit at the end of the year – however, the District will still be out of debt overall.

Healy reported on the HPS Foundation meeting held on 27 January. The Foundation approved $7,530 in grants this quarter. Grants included a Drug Avengers program, Butterfly Larvae activity & Science Night costs for Barkell Elementary students; Mr. B’s Joybox Express Presentation and Concert, and four computers for the high school and two camcorders for the middle school and high school Communications classes. Many thanks to the Foundation for their continued support of our students.

The Board accepted the resignation of long time custodian Curt Hoffenbecker. Curt was with the District for 17 years and will retire as of April 1, 2016.

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