The City of Houghton is among the communities being featured in Roadmaps to Health.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation County Health Rankings website recognized Houghton and the Western UP Health Department for implementing strategies to make a healthier community.
Local initiatives to increase physical activity include the city’s Complete Streets policy, Safe Routes to School, and improved bicycle and walking trails throughout the region.
In December 2011, Houghton became the first city in the Upper Peninsula to enact a Complete Streets ordinance.
Complete Streets has been shown to improve health and safety, enhance a city’s livability, and increase economic development.
Houghton also adopted a comprehensive non-motorized transportation network plan in 2013 with maps and plans for bicycle lanes, sidewalk improvements, safer intersections, and a system of connected trails for bicyclists and walkers.
One of the benefits, Houghton will receive priority consideration for transportation enhancement projects from the Michigan Department of Transportation.