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Houghton Portage Township Schools Opens Survey for Further Public Input

Houghton Portage Township Schools thanks the community for its interest and participation in recent weeks to help the district elevate education for ALL Gremlins. The district completed its second community forum on Wednesday and has since released a survey for attendees and the community to respond to.

The survey will help further the amount of data, public input, and potential ideas from the community to help HPTS work toward better uses of space and facilities for creating an educational environment. In addition to the survey, the school district has also published the ideas generated by Wednesday’s group and the evening’s presentation for the community to view.

On March 13th Houghton Portage schools will use the survey and community responses from the past two sessions to begin discussing the district’s potential options and the financial impact during the third forum. Those interested in learning about the ideas generated by the community for elevating education in Houghton or wishing to respond to the school district’s survey can find more details below.

Community Forum #2 Results

Community Forum #2 Presentation

Houghton Portage Township Schools Survey

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