Next week, there is a meeting to discuss the Hancock masterplans. Masterplans occur every five years for municipalities in Michigan to plan the continued development of the city.
Hancock was recently designated as a Redevelopment Ready Community by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) last year. This means there is an emphasis on planning for investment, identifying assets and opportunities, and focusing Hancock’s limited resources to attract and retain businesses.
“The purpose of having our two open houses- for the master plan- is to get some resident input. It’s really important during the master plan process to get the input in the early stages of the process” – Hancock City Manager, Mary Babcock
Representatives from the MEDC will be present to run through exercises to receive input from the community. Hancock City Manager, Mary Babcock, asks residents to prepare for the meetings by attending with an open mind and big ideas for what they wish to see for Hancock in 5-10 years.
There are 2 separate meetings that follow the same format, so you can choose the one that fits best in your schedule. The first is on Wednesday April 12, at 5 – 7p.m. at the Orpheum Theater. The second one is on Thursday April 13 at 5 – 7p.m. at the Houghton County Arena in the Sisu Room.