The Hancock City Council passed a budget for the 2016-17 fiscal year at Wednesday’s monthly meeting.
The budget calls for $8.122 million of revenue and $7.997 million of expenditures. A millage rate of 14.202 was set.
City manager Glenn Anderson gave an update on the Quincy Street Reconstruction project and said that Phase 1 of the seven step project is nearly completed.
“By the end of next week, we should be able to resume traffic on Reservation Street and the 100 block of Quincy Street,” Anderson said. “It’s on budget and on schedule.”
Acting on a recommendation from Anderson, the council approved a move to privatize the city’s trash and recycling operations
The city has been in the garbage disposal business for many years and has been recycling for more than 20 years.
The city could save up to $52,000 a year by going to the waste management and getting out of the garbage business, Anderson said.
That action would begin in late August of this year.
In other business, the council:
* Was told the third annual Key Ingredient event will be held on July 15.
* Accepted the resignation of Ron Studer from the Recreation Commission. Studer will be sent a letter of thanks for his work.
* Learned the Tori Market Art Fair will be held on June 25