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Hancock Police Department Welcomes New Officer, and Says Goodbye to Officer Webben

Police departments around the region are welcoming in new officers who recently completed training at the academy. Including at the Hancock Police Department. Ben Galetto has started as a full-time officer. He also serves the community as a firefighter in the Hancock Fire Department. While the city’s police department happily welcomes a new officer, Chief Tami Sleeman shared with the city council that one officer will also leave the force. Officer Scott Webben has taken a position with the Houghton County Sheriff.

His last day, I believe, is going to be September 5th. So we are very sad to lose him. He is not leaving because he’s unhappy. He loves it here and the people he lives with. But they can offer more opportunities to take home cars. They just can offer more than what we can. So very sad to see him leave. So we have posted. So if you know anybody who’s looking for a full-time position at the police department, we’re happy to. – Tami Sleeman, Police Chief, City of Hancock Police Department

Chief Sleeman says the department will seek to use another MCOLES grant to sponsor a new officer for training. Adding that the grant program has changed slightly, with more money for the program as a whole. However, the individual grant amount has gone down from 24,000 dollars to 20000 dollars. Meaning the department will need to match more funds to sponsor MCOLES training. Those interested in applying for the position should contact City of Hancock Police Chief Tami Sleeman for more information at 906 482 3102.

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