Home / News / Finnish Immigration & Midsummer Pole Celebration Scheduled For Hancock
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Finnish Immigration & Midsummer Pole Celebration Scheduled For Hancock

A century and a half ago, the first Finnish immigrants arrived in Hancock, and a celebration this Saturday will mark that significant occasion.

Starting at 11:00am, the City of Hancock’s Finnish Theme Committee invites the public to a ceremony at Finlandia University’s Quincy Green that will not only remember those first immigrants and the impact they and those who followed had on the city, but also will dedicate the city’s Midsummer pole, which will stand on the Green throughout the summer.

Oren Tikkanen’s Juhannus Trio will provide musical entertainment and accompaniment for the program, at which local vocalists Vicki Usitalo and Marja Kilpelä will sing the U.S. and Finnish national anthems and Pastor Arvo Onermaa will offer a blessing.

Following these opening exercises, Honorary Consul Jim Kurtti will give brief remarks regarding both the Midsummer pole and the sesquicentennial of the immigrant’s arrival in Hancock.

Light refreshments will be served, and guests are encouraged to browse the Hancock Tori, which will be open before and after the event.

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