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Finlandia Univesity Launches New Website

Finlandia University signThe final major piece of Finlandia’s rebranding effort is now up and running.

Starting in the Spring of 2014, the University began a complete overhaul of their imagery, including a new logo and now a new website.

Finlandia Director of Marketing & Communications Michael Babcock said, “Finlandia needed to make an investment in its future and this was an investment that were excited that our university was able to make because it will make a big difference for our university moving forward, as we look to engage both the audience of students that are already here and their families and friends, as well as our alumni, as well as potential students who are interested in coming to Finlandia.”

Creative Director Brad Beaudette has helped bring a number of advanced features to the new website.

Babcock said, “The website is much more visual pleasing. It is much improved for search engine optimization. It features a responsive design that will make it a lot easier to use for audiences for all over the world.”

Another exciting feature is the ability to upload stories and videos to the website that will help share the Finlandia experience.

The website is now live at www.finlandia.edu.

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