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Delineators Among Topics Discussed At Houghton City Council Meeting

If you have driven down Sheldon Avenue in downtown Houghton in the past week, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the caution signs in the middle of the road.

Those delineator signs were once again a topic at the city council’s regular meeting and so far the consensus is that those signs are doing their job.

Though feedback has been a mixed bag, City Manager Eric Waara notes the complaints are often that motorists have to slow down and stay in their own lane because of the signs—which is their purpose.

The signs also show pedestrians the proper place to cross the street which, on Sharon Avenue, is the east side of the intersection.

The city also wants both drivers and pedestrians to be aware that Michigan laws are different than those of Wisconsin where drivers are to stop when they see people waiting to cross the road.

In Michigan, pedestrians must wait until traffic is clear before stepping out into the crosswalk.

In other business, Police Chief John Donnelly says the department recently had their first audit from the state and only a couple of discrepancies were found that were quickly corrected.  Overall, Donnelly said it went real well for a first time audit.

Business is booming this summer according to the report heard by the council from Business Development Manager Susie Landers.

She says retailers have been telling her that this past July registered record sales and, in some cases, have exceeded sales during the Christmas Shopping season.

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