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Check Presented By Business Organizations To Help Local Food Banks

The inaugural Keweenaw Business Ball will provide meals for local people in need.

On December 9th the party was hosted at Continental Fire Company by The Keweenaw Chamber of Commerce, Keweenaw Young Professionals (KYP), Keweenaw Economic Development Alliance (KEDA) and the Finnish American Chamber of Commerce.

Keweenaw Young Professionals President Amanda McConnon says the idea was to combine the holiday parties of all the organizations and help the community.

McConnon said, “Total, we raised $1,500 for the local food pantry here. We chose the Community Action Agency. That amount of money will help them purchase 18,750 pounds of food total.”

In addition to the food pantry donations, KEDA held a silent raffle to raise money for scholarships for local high-school seniors.

KEDA Executive Director Jeff Ratcliffe says students in the area should ask their guidance counselors about these skill-trade scholarships.

Ratcliffe said, “We’ve been providing $500 scholarships to each of the 9 school districts annually for the past number of years. These are students who are not heading for a 4-year academic degree. These are students that are looking to get a certificate, 1-year or 2-year degree in a skilled trade.”

There are talks to make the Keweenaw Business Ball a reoccurring event in hopes of making it bigger and raise more funds in the future.

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