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Canal Run Seeks Volunteers

Canal Run LogoThe Hancock Canal run is just over two weeks away, and organizers are looking for help. Coordinator Angela Luskin from UP Health System-Portage says the event usually includes more than 800 runners and walkers, and requires about 150 volunteers. They need about 70 more people to sign on to assist. Luskin says about 30 percent of the participants come from out of town. They boost our economy by spending money for food, lodging and entertainment. Good volunteers assure that many of those visitors will return. Most volunteer positions don’t take more than a couple of hours. No experience is required, and Luskin says you might get hooked. “We get the same volunteers coming back year after year, because they enjoy this. It doesn’t feel like work –  it really id a good time.” To sign up, visit HancockCanalRun.com, and click on the Volunteer tab.

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