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Benishek Calls For Funding For Soo Locks Study

The Army Corps of Engineers says they will perform an Economic Impact study on the Soo Locks if funding becomes available.

This study is part of an effort to increase the priority of the construction of a replacement Lock in the Army Corps’ list of authorized projects.

Congressman Dan Benishek says the funds for this study are currently being held by the Office of Management and Budget due to a technicality.

Dr. Benishek wrote the OMB Director today to ask for the prompt release of these funds so that the Economic Impact study may begin as soon as possible.

Benishek recently led a bipartisan delegation of officials from Michigan, Minnesota, and Canada to the Locks for an update from the Army Corps on the efforts to create a replacement Lock.

Additionally, he offered an amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill to emphasize the importance of completing this project.

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