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Animal Welfare Fund Provides $155,500 to Local Animal Shelters

Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s (MDARD) State Veterinarian Dr. James Averill announced the Michigan Companion Animal Welfare Fund check-off will fund projects totaling over $155,500 for 26 registered shelters in 2015.

The Michigan Animal Welfare fund was established under Public Act 132 of 2007 as a tax check-off to support animal shelters statewide. This year’s awards will go to the spaying and neutering of animals, fund registration fees for anti-cruelty training conferences, and help cover costs for protecting and caring for Michigan animals subjected to cruelty or neglect.

“Thanks to the generous support of Michiganders, local shelters will be able to train more staff on anti-cruelty, care for animals looking for their forever home, and conduct spay and neutering programs in their communities,” said Averill.

MDARD received 64 applications requesting more than $600,000 in funding. The maximum grant allotment is $10,000. The evaluation committee selected the successful applicants based upon the quality of the application as well as whether they registered with MDARD as an animal shelter, and had no fines in the previous two years.

The list below are the shelters which received 2015 Animal Welfare Fund grants. For more information on the animal shelter program or how to apply for a grant, go to www.michigan.gov/animalshelters.

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