Home / Featured / Western Upper Peninsula Hunters Prepare for the 2023 Deer Rifle Season
Frank A. Douglass Insurance Agency

Western Upper Peninsula Hunters Prepare for the 2023 Deer Rifle Season

Deer rifle season will start tomorrow morning with the first break of sunshine in the western upper peninsula. Michigan DNR officials say that last spring’s late snowfall and significant flooding had an impact on the deer herd in the western region. And say that the heard seems to be doing well in southern and central areas of the upper peninsula. Officials say that the herd tends to stay in the southern and central regions due to an abundance of farmland, and less accumulated snowfalls in the winter.

Additionally, hunters will continue to register kills online after the DNR implemented mandatory online reporting last year. Officials say that as expected there have been some growing pains with transitioning to the new system. But overall the department says hunters were able to easily navigate the online reporting portal, which made the annual data collection process for the department’s deer report much easier. Allowing the department to release critical information for hunters preparing for the season.

Before heading out to deer camp hunters should leave a hunting plan back at home for family and friends. Hunting plans include crucial information in the case of an emergency such as; your hunting location, plans for arriving at camp and returning home, emergency contact information, and a list of those in your hunting party. Superior Search and Rescue has conveniently provided an easy-to-fill-out hunting trip safety plan, that has been posted here.

Those interested in taking part in this year’s deer hunter’s round-up with Kevin Ericson can also submit your deer kill online at kbrea102.com. And listen to the radio for the Deer hunters round-up at 7pm November 15th, 20th, 22nd, and 30th.

Listen to the Deer Hunting Season Preview on Copper Country Today with host Todd Van Dyke here.

Michigan Deer Digest

Purchase a hunting license here.

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