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UPEC will Begin Accepting Applications for Education and Conservation Grants

The Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition will start accepting grant applications for the group’s 2024 grant programs. UPEC announced yesterday that the coalition will be accepting requests for proposals for grants in the Community Conservation and Environmental Education grant programs. The UPEC Community conservation program seeks to promote conservation values such as protecting a watershed, within communities. Community Conservation grant will award up to 10,000 dollars for a project. The Environmental Education grant program will help teachers and students complete environmental projects within schools. Over the past 15 years, Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition has awarded 500-dollar educator-led projects in copper country schools. The deadline to apply for grant funding with the Upper Peninsula Environmental Coalition is no later than February 15th.

The deadline for Community Conservation Grant applications is February 15, 2024. For more information, go to https://www.upenvironment.org/community-conservation-grants.

The deadline for Environmental Education Grant applications is February 15, 2024. For more information, go to https://www.upenvironment.org/environmental-education-grants.

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