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The Michigan Tech Research Institute Celebrates Nearly 20 Years of Excellence Downstate

Michigan Tech celebrates its research prowess away from home in the Copper Country. Earlier this month the Michigan Tech Research Institute recently celebrated nearly two decades of excellence in research during an open house of its newly renovated Ann Arbor space. The MTRI has existed as a major research institute since 2006, growing steadily in the field of remote sensing research. During the celebration, MTRI welcomed government leadership including US Representative Debbie Dingell and Michigan Senator Jeff Irwin. As well as partners from higher education, industry, and government agencies. MTRI Director Susan Janiszewski says that she is grateful for the institute’s incredible staff, vowing to continue to attract and retain intellectually aggressive researchers who want to stay on the cutting edge of innovation. Those interested in learning more about the Michigan Tech Research Institute celebrating 20 years and renovations to research space downstate can find more details here.

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