Non-Veterans of Foreign Wars members could be eligible to join the organization that runs the Range Lounge in South Range. That is one of many issues up for debate at tonight’s Range Town Vets meeting. Commander Robert Paavola says if no changes are made, the post itself will struggle to survive. There just aren’t enough members in the prime of their life to take part in efforts to return the post to stable financial footing.
Paavola says the VFW post and operation of the lounge are kept separate. Other industries see similar arrangements, real estate holding companies being an example. Paavola says South Range was a model for the American Legion post in Lake Linden, but Chassell is a more traditional business set up. Until now, any member of the Range Town Vets had to be part of the VFW. Opening it up to others means the lounge itself would transition to something new.
Being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused revenues to fall to essentially zero for the past year. That left the South Range location dipping into reserves as costs mounted. A generous anonymous donation will help to cover roof repairs, but coolers and appliances in the kitchen need maintenance.
The Range Lounge is a focal point for Independence Day celebrations in the village, and has strong roots in the community. Paavola says that if no changes are made, the post may need to close down entirely and sell off the building.