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Ryan Tanner Named to Hancock City Council

Ryan Tanner  will join the Hancock City Council, filling the council’s vacancy left by former mayor Paul LaBine. LaBine was recently appointed to the role of Houghton County Prosecutor, state law prohibits him from sitting in two elected offices. After Mayor Rickard began a brief discussion thanking all of the candidates for their interest in the role, the council took a vote. Councilor Ron Blau motioned to name Ryan Tanner to the city council, and was seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Lisa Mckenzie. During the council’s vote, councilors Lounibos and Warstler voted against Tanner.

He will be sworn in prior to the city council’s next regular meeting in September. Councilors agreed that it was a tough choice between the six very qualified candidates, each giving them a lot to consider.

I just want to say thank you everyone that applied. They were all very qualified. And I didn’t have to stand up there and speak, I was voted in. An, that right there is enough to, yeah, that’s tough to go up there. And so props to everybody that went up there and presented themselves to all of us. I know its tough.” – Councilor Rick Freeman

Next the council began filling in roles on subcommittees LaBine worked on. Adding Councilor Warstler to the Ordinance Review Committee, and Councilor Freeman to the Ad Hoc Acquisition committee. Adding a member to the Hancock Zoning Board of Appeals committee was tabled, to give Tanner an option to get started working in city affairs.


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