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Portage Lake District Library Redesign Includes Focus on Teen Readers

This upcoming year much of the portage lake district library will receive a face lift inside their facility. A floor redesign of the space inside the library will afford  the library to add additional meeting rooms for programming, new paint and carpet, and most important a space designed for teen readers. For that space the library has begun working with local teens to create a space that encourages young readers to explore and learn about any number of topics.

“…and there is non of that in our community here in the Houghton area, there’s no teen center, no YMCA. And so we feel like we can fit that niche, and that need within the community. Especially with our distance from the high school. And so I’m hoping that by creating a space, and that mentality of “If you build it, they will come.” it fills that need. But I am also working with various local teens on the design process itself. And really design an inclusive space.” – Katrina Linde-Moriarty, Library Director, Portage Lake District Library

Both phases of the redesign process are estimated to cost around 450,000 dollars.  The library does have enough funds to pay for a portion of the total project, covering most of phase one of the redesign. The library plans to hold a number of fundraising events to raise their remaining 200,000 dollar goal.

“Looking forward to kind of the future, that second phase, that we’re currently fundraising for, we’ve had a pretty good first go with our Giving Tuesday. And now our end of the year campaign. And you’ll see different fundraising efforts, throughout the year, as we go into phase one. And then again when we get to phase two. A lot of the funding structures we’re hoping to raise here locally, and kind of have an opportunity for people to give their back. Especially as we’re here on the pier, it’s such a visible project. But we know that the library is the heart of the community, and we want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to pitch in for that.” – Katrina Linde-Moriarty, Library Director, Portage Lake District Library

Watch for future donation opportunities to help support the library’s mission to provide access to education, literary works, and knowledge to the community. Currently the library has their end of the year campaign active on their website. Find out more information about the Portage Lake District library Floor Redesign, and their fundraising page below.

Portage Lake District Library Fundraiser

Portage Lake District Library Floor Redesign Plans

Portage Lake District Library Fundraiser PayPal Page


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