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Over 1,100 voters cast ballots at the Houghton County Early Voting Center

Over a quarter million voters have already cast ballots in Michigan. Two years ago voters passed proposal two that expanded voting opportunities. In February counties and municipalities organized the first early voting centers. Early voting turnout during February and August concerned Houghton County Clerk Jennifer Kelly when the center was seldom used. However, since this past Saturday and the opening of early voting in the general election Houghton Count has welcomed a blizzard of voters to the Houghton city center.

Proposal Two changed a lot of stuff for the clerks in Michigan. And we are doing our best. I mean, at our early voting center, we, because the turnout was so huge in the first couple of days, we had to get additional ballot stock. We had to get rush orders on toners. The workers at the early voting center are doing a tremendous job. –  Jennifer Kelly, County Clerk, Houghton County

Poll worker John Slayton worked at each of the early voting centers in Houghton County this year. In February he says the center welcomed about 100 voters. And in August close to 85. Houghton County’s early voting center organizes ballots for all 32 precincts in the county.

When voters come in to vote, we have to look them up on the state voter registration rolls, place them in the correct precinct that they belong in and custom print their ballot for each voter. So there are multiple steps that we have to go through. All other precincts in the state, only print one ballot. So we’ve got like 32 to keep up with. And I think that it’s going well. Naturally, there are growing pains, slow at the start. This early presidential election has just been a blizzard. We started with more votes before lunch, I believe we had 200 votes before lunch, which was more than the entire year. – John Slayton, Poll Inspector, Houghton County

County clerk Jennifer Kelly adds that after this year municipalities will become responsible for funding early voting centers or will need to work in collaboration with counties to set things up. Because after 2024 the state’s funding for early voting centers will end.

So it’s going to be a definite financial thing that they’re going to have to budget for on the city and township level. Once the state isn’t assisting we’re not getting full reimbursement right now because we pay our workers what we do. So the cities and townships have had to pay some money for the August election. – Jennifer Kelly, County Clerk, Houghton County

Early voting in Michigan will continue until November 3rd. The Houghton county early voting center has been set up on the second floor of the Houghton city center. The center is handicap accessible via the elevator to the left of the front door. The early voting center is open from 8am to 4 pm until Sunday. Houghton County has had more than 1100 votes cast since the early voting center opened. Those interested in learning more about elections in Michigan can find more information here. Or check out the state election dashboard for updated figures.

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