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Nonprofit Relief Fund Information Session Tonight

Editor’s Note: The Q&A session will now be held over Zoom from 4pm-5pm due to inclement weather. Look at the end of the article for the full zoom information. 

Many nonprofits were impacted negatively during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Keweenaw Community Foundation is hosting an in-person networking and learning opportunity for information on the Michigan Nonprofit Relief Fund. 

CEO of Grow and Lead and position holder on the MI Nonprofit Relief Fund Statewide Committee, Amy Quinn, will answer questions and provide information. 

Up to $25,000 is available for one-time funding for non-profits.

The deadline for application is on May 5.

The Q&A session will be held in Calumet from 4p.m-6p.m at the Keweenaw Storytelling Center.

If you have any questions, contact the KCF at mail@keweenawgives.org or 906-482-9673. 

To apply, visit the Michigan Nonprofit Relief Fund website


Zoom information: 

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 906 228 8919
One tap mobile:
+13126266799,,9062288919# US (Chicago)
+13092053325,,9062288919# US

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