Home / Featured / MTU To Accept 2 of 3 Finlandia TRIO Programs, SSS TRIO Program Closes Permanently Today
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MTU To Accept 2 of 3 Finlandia TRIO Programs, SSS TRIO Program Closes Permanently Today

Finlandia worked closely with TRIO program to help their students and the community, and the future of these programs were uncertain when the university closed. 

“The three programs we had, two of them we still [are] hoping are going to transfer to Michigan Tech. That’s now in the hands of the Department of Education, they have to approve that move. If that happens, then the TRIO pre-college programs we have which is Upwards Bound and Talent Search that focus on youth in the Keweenaw region, then will go forward, then everything will simply move over to Michigan Tech and they’ll continue on. The Student Support Services, the SSS Program [it] has to transfer to another 4-year institution of a similar nature, and we were unable to make that work.” – Timothy Pinnow, President of Finlandia University  

The student support services will end their historical legacy today, but those interested in the youth programs can still call Finlandia until June 30th, when it will hopefully be transferred to Michigan Tech.

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