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More Than 200 Companies Gather to Recruit Michigan Tech’s Students Today

More than 200 companies are rushing to Michigan Tech’s campus today to recruit the university’s students. Inside the Student Development Complex students will network with business leaders and learn about different career opportunities during the Michigan Tech Spring Career Fair. This year the career fair’s lead sponsor is Nucor.

Katie Amar-Fox, a 2019 materials sciences and engineer graduate now working for the company, says that recruiters come to the area for Michigan Tech’s great and talented students. She adds students should try to talk with as many potential employers as they can. There are a lot of different opportunities for students to their first steps in their careers, from full-time employment opportunities to internships and apprenticeships. Another recruiter, Kevin Nelson, a 2000 electrical engineering graduate now working with Polaris says that Michigan tech’s students are just what they look for in an outdoors company considering the shared passions for recreation, thinking outside, and STEM.

The Michigan Tech Spring Career Fair begins at noon and runs until 5 pm today.

Those interested in learning more about Michigan Tech’s career advancement opportunities and chances to find the right company for your career can find more information here.

Details for the Michigan Tech Spring Career Fair

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