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Michigan Tech Tick Researchers Share Tips for Tick Removal

Now that the days are warming up, and residents are keeping up with summertime activities, ticks are out too. Last year Michigan Tech researchers started its tick collection project to track the spread of tick-borne illnesses in the Upper Peninsula. Now that the region will begin hiking in the woods and traversing on the trails Michigan Tech wants residents to keep dropping off tick samples. In the second year of the project, researchers share tips for removing a tick for proper collection. 

Step 1, use a pair of clean fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick close to the skin.

Step 2, begin pulling upward with steady even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick, which can lead to the mouth part breaking and remaining in the skin.

Step 3, after removing a tick from the skin clean the bite area with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.

Step 4, save the tick sample in a plastic bag. Do not crush or kill the tick. Researchers also suggest placing the tick(s) in the freezer until headed to the drop-off site. There are two locations on campus for tick drop off, the Great Lakes Research Center and the U.J. Noblet forestry building.

Those interested in assisting researchers in studying the spread of tick-borne illnesses can find more information here.

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