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Michigan Tech and Canadian Researchers Leading Charge to Study Oak Wilt Fungus

Michigan Tech and researchers with a Canadian organization are leading the exploration into preventing further spread of a fatal tree disease. Researchers from Michigan Tech University, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry of Canada are studying the spread of Oak Wilt, a fungal disease that often decimates forests. The disease is found in the United States, in the northern forests of 24 states. Since the 1980’s the fungus has not moved too far north of the 46th parallel.

Researchers are particularly concerned with the affect climate change has on the fungus’ ability to spread further north to the U.S. – Canadian border. The project currently plans to conduct beetle identification, in order to more effectively predict the the risk associated with when and where Oak wilt may spread. The fungal disease most often spreads by way of the sap beetle species. And is often displayed by the browning of leaves from the top of the tree until the fungus infects the tree’s root system.The fungus can also be transported by humans moving infected firewood, allowing the fungal spores to more easily spread to new areas.

The project is anticipated to wrap up in late spring 2024. Go to this link, to find more information on the bi-national Oak Wilt research involving Michigan Tech researchers.

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