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Michigan DNR Locates Greenland Water Source, Will Continue Search for Viable Well Site

Michigan Department of Natural Resources officers have found the source of the Greenland water spigot, advising the public to no longer drink water at the near by trail-side spigot. Though the agency will continue its search for a safe and viable well site. DNR officers were able to locate the water source for the nearby homes and trail-side spigot, when they uncovered an old well head off of the Bill Nichols Rail- Trail. The trail-side water source had been used in the area for many years by local residents and in the know travelers.

The Department of Environment Great lakes and Energy (EGLE) has permitted the DNR to continue its search for a viable water source, so that the location may remain available to the public, until September.

In a meeting with township and county leadership last week, DNR officials confirmed that the state can no longer support the use of the trail-side spigot as it exists, as the piping is too fragile to continue use. The main option the department is currently exploring involves creating a new well site in the area. The Michigan DNR will consult with a well drilling company to search for a viable site, and to further explore what is happening at the wellhead near the Bill Nichols Rail Trail.

In the meantime a notice has been posted at the site advising the public to seek another source of water.

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