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MI HOPE Needs Contractors Ahead of September Bid Deadline

MI HOPE’s program has been a success in the western Upper Peninsula. Since the program started WUPPDR has led the way to connect homeowners with professional contractors to complete smaller projects that make a big difference.

My Hope’s program has been a success in the Western Upper Peninsula. Since the program started, Wilburter has led the way in connecting homeowners with professional contractors to complete smaller projects that make a big difference. The work has to be done prior to April of 2026, so we have another entire season that these can be scheduled into. So it’s important to remember that we need to have this funding dedicated to homes prior to September 30th of this year. So we’re looking for additional contractors that possibly can provide us with some quotes and perhaps get some work for next year. – Lisa McKenzie, Regional Planner, WUPPDR

WUPPDR has contractors working with homes to replace doors and windows, complete roof work, and more. However, the regional planner says the entire state needs more contractors involved in the program that need to finish work by 2026. 

We probably have about 10 additional recipients who are waiting on second quotes because MSHTA’s program requires us to have two quotes before we can award a contract. We have several, I think about six more that we have not been able to get to yet for our walkthroughs because we create our work specifications and then we take it to. the client’s home and we have Melissa Davis from New Power Tour who is conducting our walk-throughs so that the contractors can actually go and see the home and look at the best ways together how they can accomplish the work that needs to be done. – Lisa McKenzie, Regional Planner, WUPPDR

WUPPDR has completed work on several homes throughout the six-county area. Owner of Bluewater Contracting Larry Mukavetz adds that many of the MI HOPE contracts can be completed relatively quickly. And fit in well during the construction season’s natural breaks between large jobs.

We were doing for community action and then the poverty guidelines were pretty low. But then for the MIHOPE program they have raised the guidelines income guidelines and now we’re able to do people that fell into that niche hat that was just a little bit above the poverty level. But could not qualify for anything so now we’re catching them, people, that were in between. – Larry Mukavetz, Owner, Bluewater Contracting

Contractors willing to help WUPPDR or other mi hope agencies need to sign up by September 30th. McKenzie adds that WUPPDR will work with contractors to make sure the right paperwork has been filed with the state. And can help if a contractor wants to work to obtain another license. Those interested in learning more about the MI HOPE program and agencies working with homeowners and contractors in the Upper Peninsula can find more information below.

MI HOPE Contractors FAQ

Alger-Marquette Community Action Board

Gogebic – Ontonagon Community Action Agency

Habitat for Humanity Copper Country

BHK Community Action Agency

Western Upper Peninsula Planning and Development Region

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