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MDOT Considering Selling Empty Lot Near 907 College Avenue to Private Land Owner

Houghton does not have an interest in an MDOT-owned lot near Franklin Square. The Michigan Department of Transportation was recently approached by a private landowner at 907 College Avenue about purchasing a state-owned parcel next to his residence. Currently, nothing resides in the informally known Mott Park. In the past, the space has been where residents at 907 College Avenue have parked. To sell any property MDOT must inquire with the nearby government for its interest before selling to a private owner.

In the years past Houghton has mowed the grass at the lot and used the city lot adjacent for storing snow. The city can still store snow if a purchase agreement were to take place between MDOT and the private party. If any development in the future were to occur at the lot, such as paving for parking, Houghton will require the land owner to submit project plans to the planning commission before moving forward on any progress. Houghton’s city council expressed no interest in the lot through an official motion.

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