Home / Featured / Long Exposure Author, Joe Kirkish Presentation at Portage Lake District Library Tonight
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Long Exposure Author, Joe Kirkish Presentation at Portage Lake District Library Tonight

One of the Copper Country’s many living legends will be at the Portage Lake District Library tonight to talk about his recent book, Long Exposure. Join Joe Kirkish and the library tonight, as he discusses his adventure-filled quest for identity and independence outside the Upper Peninsula. And his eventual return to his rural roots to ply his prodigious artistic, teaching, and journalistic talents over six decades. Woven into the narrative are fascinating portraits and cameos of the personalities who helped shape his life and work. Over his career Kirkish has been recognized as a photographer, writer, and teacher. And credits much of his life’s work to seizing an opportunity when presented. Join the author and living legend at 6 pm tonight at he portage lake district library.

Purchase Long Exposure link

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