Home / Featured / Local Veterans Organizations Plan Flag Ceremonies in the Copper Country During Memorial Day
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Local Veterans Organizations Plan Flag Ceremonies in the Copper Country During Memorial Day

Memorial Day on Monday will give many in the region a day off to spend with family or out in the community. The Copper Country’s healthy community of active veterans organizations expects to join the region while celebrating and remembering the soldiers lost on foreign soil. Around the region on Monday, several of the American Legion posts, Veterans of Foreign Wars halls will hold flag ceremonies at specific locations.

The day will also include a pancake breakfast fundraiser in Lake Linden with American Legion Post 90. The Pancake breakfast will run from 7 am to 11 am. Tickets will cost 12 dollars for adults and 5 dollars for kids aged 6 to 11.

Those interested in attending a local veterans flag ceremony can find a full list of start times and locations on the Keweenaw Report community calendar.

American Legion Post 90 Breakfast will take place at the post hall located at Lakes Lounge in Lake Linden starting at 7am.

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