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Laurium’s CEDAM Fellow Hopes to Talk About Blight with Residents

Laurium’s CEDAM fellow wants to talk with village residents about blight. The village of Laurium recently posted to its Facebook page, a poll asking for resident input for when people in the community may have time to talk with CEDAM fellow Riley Powers about blight in the village. Over the past year, Michigan has invested money into removing blight from communities throughout the state. During that time, Laurium’s neighbor, Calumet was able to successfully remove several blighted structures within the village with help from the Houghton County landbank. Powers plans to provide some educational material at the meeting. Village residents interested in meeting with neighbors and Powers to discuss blight in Laurium can choose from a list of dates that work best for their schedule. Powers will plan to announce the date of their meeting with residents after responses have been submitted.

Find the CEDAM Blight Discussion Poll here.

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Contact the Village of Laurium

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