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Laurium Council Wrap: Trustees Enact Headlee Override Millage

Laurium village council was missing  a couple of members at last night’s council meeting. Forcing the council to pause some of their discussion on multiple agenda items.

Village President John Sullivan and Village Trustee Jessica Hrebec were both counted absent at the village council meeting. The meeting was run by President pro-tem Jeff Erickson. The village council started the June meeting by holding a public hearing on enacting the Headlee millage override passed back in May. Village Manage Ian Lewis said, that now all of the paperwork with the county equalization department has been finalized, the village will collect a little bit more than expected.

After enacting the Headlee millage override, the board heard from Darian Reed who has been working on the village’s new website. Reed showed off the website’s features and explained some gaps in information, requesting that Laurium leadership review the website over the next week. Village Manager Lewis will collect comments from the board and relay them to Reed for any edits, corrections, or additions.

The village’s new CEDAM fellow has arrived and has begun work within the village office. Additionally Laurium plans to send newly arrived equipment to the officer in training. The new police officer will begin work in Laurium in mid August after graduation from the academy.

The Village board then tabled their discussion on the lead service pipe location project mandated by the state until the entire village council can be present.

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