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Keweenaw National Historic Park Providing Programming for Visitors and Residents in the Summer

Throughout the summer the Keweenaw National Historic Park will greet many visitors at the Park headquarters and several heritage sites around the region. During the visitor season, the National Park Service provides the community and travelers with various program opportunities to become immersed in the copper country’s rich history. Groups will regularly pass through the Calumet Visitor’s Center for ranger programs and self-guided tours of the center’s exhibits. Interpretive programming has become an essential aspect of what the National Park Service’s offer to guests to better share the experiences and histories of the region. Some of this summer’s programs include Ghost Signs: messages from Red Jacket, over viewing the historic signage and buildings still in the area. Another regular summer program will explore the Keweenaw Peninsula’s unique geography forged by fire and ice. Some programs are weather-dependent. Find more information about summertime activities with the Keweenaw National Historic Park here.

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